Science fiction may not be everyone’s go-to genre of choice, but for the invested diehards of all things space, robots, and metaphysical-adjacent this and that, there’s simply nothing better. And even if you’re not a steady watcher of these dimensionally and cosmically mind-bending flicks, we bet Amazon Prime has one or two entries that you’ll love.
Home to a boatload of sci-fi titles, we’ve undertaken the big quest of sifting through Prime’s many pages of science fiction movies to bring you this roundup of the best sci-fi movies on Amazon Prime you can watch right now. For September, our additions include the 2014 Robocop remake, the Jason Blum-produced Black Box, and everyone’s favorite love-to-hate masterpiece, Sharknado.
We’ve also rounded up the best sci-fi movies on Netflix and the best sci-fi movies on Hulu if you’re in need of additional sci-fi recommendations.
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