Is Apple actually turning iMessage into AIM or is this sketchy redesign rumor for laughs?October 14, 2022
What is a Service Robot? The vision of an intelligent service application is possible.November 7, 2022
YC’s Michael Seibel clarifies some misconceptions about the accelerator • DailyTechSeptember 18, 2022
Startup One Solution to the Food Waste Problem: Eat Your GarbageSeptember 30, 20220 The villains of climate change tend be what we put out: carbon-spewing cars, soot-emitting power plants, farting cows. So it…
Games Watch ragdoll skaters eat asphalt in EA’s ‘pre-pre-pre-alpha’ Skate gameplay videoJuly 2, 20220 Get your knee and elbow pads prepared, EA have lastly rolled out some extra details about its upcoming open-world skateboarding…