Ubisoft has launched For Honor update 2.37 – this latest patch will soon be available to download on all available platforms including PS4, Xbox One, and PC, as well as PS5 and Xbox Series X|S (via backwards compatibility).
The highlight of this new For Honor update is, of course, the Medjay. It’s been a while since Ubisoft introduced the fighting game’s last playable hero, the Pirate, with this newcomer joining her in the recently formed Outlanders faction.
We were lucky enough to test out the Medjay in an exclusive For Honor preview. At first, the Egyptian fighter may not looking all that imposing, but he has a unique party trick. His staff can split into two hand axes, allowing the Medjay to adjust his reach and attack pattern.
Other notable improvements made by Ubisoft include a quicker post-match phase, condensing scores and progression onto a single screen, with thrown Feats now able to target heroes with the Stealth ability. See below for the full list of changes.
For Honor Update 2.37 Patch Notes
When his friend Bolthorn stole the Scarab Bracelet from the desert kingdom, Neferkha knew what would happen next. He left his homeland to chase the Raider, following the relic’s trail of waste and death to its heart in Valkenheim. There Neferkha found Bolthorn, a cursed shell of his former self. An epic battle ensued – with Neferkha ultimately besting his friend. Rather than killing the Viking, Neferkha spared his life and removed the Bracelet to lift the curse. Having witnessed the relic’s destruction, Neferkha had realized the jewel belonged to a different time and place; it was simply to dangerous, even for himself, the last heir of the Pharaohs. The Medjay left Valkenheim so it might begin to heal. He became a mercenary to buy his way back home, where he would return the Bracelet to its resting place.
- Difficulty: Hard
- Weapon Transform
- Dual Fighting Styles
- Good Melee Range in Staff Mode
Special Capabilities
- Unique dual utility feats
- Unstoppable infinite chain in Staff mode
- High aggression and speed in Axes mode
- Stays in current mode when hit, unlike other multi-mode heroes
Match End Flow
- All screens shown after completing a match have been redesigned for improved legibility, clearer progression information, and with less disruptive animations so it is quicker to reach the options for the next match.
NEW OPTION: Deactivate the Parry Flash Indicator (in Arena, and all Custom Match Game Modes)
- Players can now deactivate the Parry Flash Indicator, which usually flashes at the correct timing to Parry an attack, in the Arena as well as during Custom Games.
- This option appears in the Arena under “Arena -> Arena Settings -> Parry Flash Indicator”, and in the Custom Game Match under “Custom Game -> Game Mode -> Parry Flash Indicator”
Developer’s Comment: Competitive players in the Dominion Series have been requesting this option for some time. Adding this option is meant to reduce the efficiency of players who have exceptional reaction times and to limit certain kinds of cheats.
We specifically add this as an Option only in Custom Games and Arena so that competitive play can intentionally remove the parry flash to improve the level of offense in their games.
Normal matchmaking games continue to have the Parry Flash to help players learn the sense of timing to Parry attacks.
Out Of Stamina (OOS) State is now less punishing
- Stamina Pause no longer applies on players who are Out of Stamina
- Stamina is now fully refilled when getting up from the Unbalanced state
Developer’s Comment: Previously, players in the OOS could conceivably be forced to stay in that state until killed. If your opponent had a quick Dodge Forward Bash attack, they could continually bash you to keep your stamina from ever refilling, while slowly killing you and limiting your options. By removing Stamina Pause while OOS, you should be able to get out of OOS more reliably, which should be less frustrating.
Similarly, we’ve now given back full Stamina whenever you get up from the Unbalanced state. The intent is that if you’ve been unbalanced, the opponent should have a single good opportunity for a punish, but not more than one. Out of Stamina punishes are typically the highest damaging punishes available – while we want players to have an opportunity for a big punish when their opponent overextends, the reward could be larger than intended when the opponent remained Out of Stamina and could be unbalanced for another large punish. This change should address this concern and make becoming Out of Stamina less frustrating.
Improvement to Targetable Feats thrown at a Locked target who is Dodging or has the Stealth feat active
- Targetable Feats are no longer affected by Stealth and should correctly track opponents who have the Stealth feat active
- Targetable Feats now track Dodging opponents better, especially Grenade-type feats, which could be thrown off-target by a large amount.
Developer’s Comment: We’re changing how Targetable Feats interact with Stealth and Dodging opponents to make the feats more consistent.
When an opponent had Stealth active, Targetable Feats would miss at moments where they did not feel like they should (ie. Your opponent was walking sideways). This makes the Feats more consistent in their tracking of Stealth opponents and no longer have Stealth be a hard counter to Targetable Feats.
Similarly, some Targetable feats, such as Grenade-type feats, had a tracking issue when used against a Dodging opponent, where they would land in unexpected locations. With this change, they should land as expected at the opponent even if they Dodge.
Targetable Feats are still able to be Dodged, but the result of the feats should be more consistent with the anticipated behavior.
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warlord’s “Headsplitter Leap Alternate” to be unable target swap
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warlord’s Out of Lock Light Finisher to have Superior Block (FH-125)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Warlord to be unable to change guard after initiating a Guard Break
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Conqueror “Shield Basher” feat to be missing the visual feedback on Hit
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi camera to shake when performing some side left attack followed by a light attack (FH-3665)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi to be unable to track an opponent after Sprint Attack into Top Heavy Finisher into Feint into Guard Break
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi to be unable to change guard after initiating a Guard Break
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Nobushi Top Heavy from Hidden Stance to have a shorter feint window than side ones (FH-1308)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Gladiator “Counter Jab” to be usable Out of Lock
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Berserker “Skilled Slash” to be usable Out of Lock
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Highlander’s Heavy Openers to be vulnerable to Guard Breaks for 466ms rather than the expected 433ms
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaman “Raven’s Bile” and “Raven’s Claw” to allow side movement during the animation
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shinobi “Shadow Strike” to be usable Out of Lock
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Aramusha Heavy Openers to have an inconsistent Guard Break vulnerability window depending on the position of the guard. This is now fixed, so the Side Heavy Openers now correctly have 433ms of Guard Break vulnerability (FH-3931)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Aramusha “Fury Unleashed” to not be cancellable into Blade Blockade (FH-1913)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Kyoshin’s Out of Lock Light Opener to be incorrectly vulnerable to Guard Break for the first 300ms. It is now correctly set to 100ms
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Kyoshin Guard Break to play the sound of a successful Guard Break even if it unsuccessful (FH-3818)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Pirate “Walk the Plank” to not feed the correct revenge value
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shugoki and Aramusha would act as if Rock Steady was active while using Short Tempered Feat
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Pirate Queen’s second feat “Pocket Bomb” to make Guardian and Commander to run or remain idle for a few seconds
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Lawbringer “Igneus Imber” feat to get an infinite cooldown if it is interrupted within a specific time window (FH-1214)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the players to fall through the floor near the first capture point of Walled City
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaolin Bots to be unable perform Top Light Openers
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Highlander Bot to have an invalid feat distribution (FH-3713)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Shaolin’s Relentless Light Finisher and Relentless to not validate when the player performs it starting with Light from Top stance
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Pirate Queen’s Advanced Tactics to ask the player to perform a Dodge Attack instead of Side Dodge Attack
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Behind These Blue Eyes sound effect to continue playing after the emote has been interrupted (FH-2473)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Nobushi’s Ganban helm to be missing a front piece of cloth (Part of FH-4010)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Tiandi’s Yi Ru Fan Zhang execution to be missing controller rumble/vibration on the final hit (Part of FH-3932)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Kensei Kenka arms to clip with the shoulder (FH-3879)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused some Black Prior Shields to display the paint pattern sideways (FH-3863)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi Kozane chest cloth to have no physics on alternate body type (FH-3857)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Requiescat in Pace Execution to have the Hidden Blade misaligned (FH-3775)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the Orochi Kozane helm ribbon to have no physics on alternate body type (FH-4017)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused two Shaolin weapon to have the same name in German (FH-4020)
- [Bug Fix] Fixed an issue that caused the In-game Recommended Quality Presets to be inaccurate
Read more: Ubisoft on history and creating new heroes in For Honor
What’s changed since For Honor launched in 2017? If you’re a lapsed player, is it worth getting back into? Read our For Honor 2022 review.
Source: Ubisoft