THQ Nordic has announced a brand new Alone in the Dark, a reimagining of the famous horror game franchise that will weave a brand new story around familiar locations.
Alone in the Dark is in development at Swedish studio Pieces Interactive, and will be coming to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC. The team is taking the original trilogy from the horror series and using this as inspiration for their work to create a new take on the setting. You’ll see some familiar places, including Derceto Manor and New Orleans, but there will be a new story and mythical places to explore.
Alone in the Dark will let you play as Edward Carnby or Emily Hartwood as they seek to uncover the truth about the mental asylum Derceto Manor. It takes place in the southern United States in the 1920s, with Emily drawn there after her uncle disappears and bringing private detective Edward Carnby with her.
With two playable characters, the story will unfold differently depending on which character you choose. The NPCs will react differently, there will be certain divergent paths, and more.
There’s been no release date target announced, but Alone in the Dark has been in development for around 4 years, which lines up perfectly with the acquisition of the franchise by THQ Nordic in 2018. The big-spending publisher grabbed the rights to this trailblazing horror game franchise from Atari who had let it languish for far too long since its early 90s heyday.
The original Alone in the Dark was released in 1992, and is recognised as the first ever 3D survival horror game with two quickfire sequels following in 1993 and 1994. This freshly announced reimagining is already drawing comparisons to the recent Resident Evil remakes by Capcom, another 3D survival horror series that took the genre into the mainstream, and has seen great success in completely overhauling the originals for modern hardware. Indeed, we see a similar jump from 3D characters on prerendered backgrounds to full 3D environments and an over-the-shoulder camera view.
Source: press release, YouTube